Laginastra, BGA et al
Effects of Highly Diluted Substances on Aquatic Animals: A Review
Nagai, MYO, Von Ancken, ACB, Bonamin, LV
Tissue Regeneration and Remodeling in Rat Models after Application of Hypericum perforatum L. Extract-Loaded Bigels
Sotirova,Y et al
Homeopathic Sulphur Ointment as Adjuvant in the Treatment of Sheep with Myiasis by Cochliomyia hominivorax (Diptera: Calliphoridae): A Case Series
De Barros, GP et al
Zincum Metallicum, a homeopathic drug, alleviates Zn-induced toxic effects and promotes plant growth and antioxidant capacity in Lepidium sativum L
Boudani, G et al
New arrangements for an agroecological management of animal health. The case of French farmers learning homeopathy
Renier, L, Cardona, A, Lecrivain, E