Wright, J
Impact of a Novel Homeopathic Complex Medicine on the Management of Multiple Antibiotic-Resistant Bovine Mastitis: An Open-Label, Non-Randomised, Placebo-Controlled Trial
Laginestra, BFA et al
Survey among livestock veterinarians from the Canton of Fribourg investigating the topics of herd-health management, counselling and the use of antimicrobial drugs
Gerber, M, Bodd, S and Budner, M
Could probiotics be the panacea alternative to the use of antimicrobials in livestock diets?
Cameron, A and McAllister, TA
Effect of Homeopathic Medicines and a Nosode on Larvae of Cochliomyia hominivorax
De Barros, G, Seugling, J, Bricarello, PA
Desk study on homeopathy in organic farming. Principles, obstacles and recommendations for practice and research
Baars, E, Baars, T, De Bruin, A, Ellinger, L